You may have always thought that you’ve done all the efforts to better your emails. You may have followed all the rules, tips, hacks and the likes. But why can’t you still see results in your writing? Why do your efforts lead to decrease instead of increase?
Maybe you’re doing something wrong. But then you think, “it’s impossible to do something wrong, I followed all the rules.” But what if it’s the rule you’ve been following that’s making things wrong for all your email marketing efforts?
Many ask – is email marketing dead?
Email is alive and well for those that follow a couple of the principals.
Let’s dig in.
First, you think you’re so in demand.
Thinking that your content is what everyone wants to read is just wrong, although that’s the ideal thing when we write emails. You can’t expect everyone to like your email marketing content.
The reality is that not everyone wants to read content we write, some people can live without it – this is totally normal. As long as you set your goals and focus on those who do like what you’re providing, you’re good to go.
Take time to know and rethink a thousand times who your target audience really is. It’s okay to ask. Never be hesitant and conduct surveys, or forums and ask feedback regularly but not annoyingly. Also make you sure to find out what they’re facing, think about how your content will help them solve these.
Ask about the products or services that will benefit them. According to Think Tank Lab, you should take in consideration what the audience wants instead of what you want to write about – that way they are looking for more of you content instead of feeling like it’s being pushed down their throats.
Secondly, your emails are not on your subscribers’ inbox
You’re emails are getting through, that’s for sure. But where? There’s inbox filtering especially with popular email services like Gmail. This may put your content in the Promotions, Updates, or Social folder. And mostly only those at the Primary or those dubbed as Important are read by your subscribers. They are automatically filtered into those folders when they do not have something personal.
How personal could you get just to land on the Primary or Important folder?
You don’t have to go too personal at all, but you have to have a personal engagement with the reader. What does personal engagement mean? It doesn’t mean you should focus on interpersonal conversations, but more on getting them to click the links you’ve embedded on your content.
By clicking on these, you will direct them to engaging to your company website and socials. This is also an opportunity to entertain their questions and talk to them, like you don’t have a barrier.
Take note that providing more content will more likely lead to your subscribers opening your emails. The greater the opportunity for them to click through more information you provide, which will also include feedback and deals, the more time you’ll avoid the inbox filtering mechanisms.
It will always be about engagement in the end. Having high engagement with your audience will yield better reputation with email services. As more and more of your audience open their emails, the more you gain trust among the services. Why? This sends signals to the services that people actually read and like content you write.
Having a good reputation and building trust through engagement is the best way to keep your subscribers and make them want and need what you provide.
Your email marketing service provider is also a crucial selection. You need to read more about the different service providers, considering the pros and cons of each one. According to Tom Kulzer, the CEO of AWeber, “When considering a provider, you need to make sure they have solid reputation management systems in place. Here are five key questions to ask. If not, it doesn’t matter how awesome your content is, it has higher potential of not getting delivered to the primary inbox as you would expect or hope.”
These are the most common misconceptions that make our email marketing efforts fail. The ability to identifying these will boost your content easily. Make sure you avoid doing these. Instead try the tips we’ve provided!